Why does Truth & Reconciliation exist?
First, we need to become familiar with The Indian Act, and you are invited to check out this timeline as an overview.
Truth and Reconciliation exists as 94 calls-to-action because every Indigenous person you meet is a survivor of Canadian Residential Schools.
Truth and Reconciliation exists also to promote healing and justice, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future. It provides a framework for societies to reckon with history, learn from the past, and work towards a better future based on truth, understanding, and respect for human rights.
Our Shared History
By acknowledging history through an unbiased lens, free from guilt and shame, we recognize that the past serves as an example of what has occurred.
Instead of being doomed to repeat it, we are called to embrace the discomfort of these feelings, using them as opportunities for learning and adjusting our thoughts and actions.
Through embracing discomfort, we set up a healthy environment for ushering in honesty.